A review by delllannney
The Acts Of Life by Kristin Mulligan


I really enjoyed the last 40% of this book, but the first half was especially hard for me to get through. I truly didn’t like Sam as a character - he was VERY sexist and just wasn’t my vibe at all. He said some super questionable things that pulled me from the story pretty frequently. I just didn’t connect with Sam as the MMC/narrator. Some of the character traits and word choice/descriptors just really didn’t hit home in my opinion.

I enjoyed the twist in this book, and the shift in POV in the latter portion of the book really made the story click for me. I wish we could have had the whole book from the FMC’s POV. I felt like the end of the book and the POV shift was so well done! I loved the lay out of the story in “acts.” I was literally on the edge of my (airplane) seat from the twist to the end of the book!

Overall, a great debut for Kristin and I would love to read her future releases!