A review by thecontrarybookworm
The Other Side of the Sky by Meagan Spooner, Amie Kaufman


2023 Challenge ➳ Judge a Book by Its Cover. Read all of the books on my “Beautiful Covers” shelf!
Ahh, the last book of my 2023 reading challenge! I’m so proud of myself for finishing with so much time to spare! (On the other hand, a challenge that has turned up many mediocre books is, ironically, ending on a mediocre note.)
I loved the concept of this book - a sci-fi and fantasy mashup with a cover that stunning? C’mon. Give it to me.
But The Other Side of the Sky lacked emotion, depth, and personality. The worlds of both of the characters were described poorly, and there was no imagery whatsoever. The writing was bland, and North and Nimh’s perspectives were indistinguishable.
SpoilerIt also made me uncomfortable that North was in a polygamous relationship; I don’t get why he had to be. I guess it’s considered an LGBTQ+ identity now? Weird that polygamy went from being compared to things like pedophilia to being celebrated. I would have much preferred him just having a boyfriend if representation was a concern.

All that being said, some of the plot was entertaining and the concept was just amazing. I didn’t hate it, I just didn’t love it either.