A review by sentetia
A Curious History of Sex by Kate Lister


Kate Lister summarizes it best in her own conclusion: "I fear the title may have promised more than could be delivered." - A more fitting title would be "Some history of Sex". Curious? Not really.

Yes, she talks about many important topics and there were some bits I enjoyed a lot, but there were also wide stretches where I was just bored. You, of course, can't write a book about the complete history of such a wide topic, but I would have wished that she would have gotten into more detail for some.

I really liked the parts about sex in not western cultures, but these were always pretty short, because christianity arrived and shamed everyone back into their stockings. - This book is a lot about christian purity culture.

She also could have shortened the ~40 pages about clitorial mutilation. This part was just going around in circles describing IN DETAIL what parts were removed in which way. (Quite hard to read for a person having a clitoris.)