A review by girlglitch
Anna by Sammy H.K. Smith


Anna is an engaging dystopian thriller about survival, adaptation and humanity.

I always find speculative fiction gripping. Anna features some nice echoes to Atwood and other dystopian greats - although the worldbuilding is a little haphazard at times. It's a recognisable world of the near future, filled with characters who remember what they have come from and all they have lost. A society in the process of rebuilding itself makes for a brilliant setting to explore the themes of power, community and freedom.

The problem is, those themes sometimes get a little bit lost. All the elements for a great novel are there, but not necessarily in the right order. It feels like a sharper edit and a little more structure could've really brought out the bite in this story.

*Thank you to Netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review*