A review by mlbnbrit
Initiated by Steffanie Holmes


Whoa. Ok. My head is spinning.
I devoured this book, but I've got questions. Tons of questions. And none of which I can ask because I want to avoid spoilers.

While book one was slow to reveal the paranormal elements, this book fully immerses you into the paranormal world, and it's pretty fascinating. The issues I had with Hazel in book one are still present, but not as nagging. I appreciate how slow she is to trust the Kings, because it shows she's not a complete idiot. I'm completely intrigued by the Kings, more so than I was in book one. I feel like book two really gave them each more character depth because we learn more about their histories.

I've still got questions, though. Some are still lingering from book one, and some are new. It seems as though the author is going to answer them, eventually, so I am just going to have to be comfortable with not knowing for the time being. It's almost as it, along with the PNR elements, this book has psychological thriller aspects, as well. I am definitely diving into book three because I NEED ANSWERS.

And that cliff hanger? Wtf. I'm so glad I waited to binge this series because I would have been RIOTING if I had to wait.