A review by michalice
Ensnared by A.G. Howard


I am writing this review after just finishing reading Ensnared, and my mind is all jumbled up with the thoughts that this series is over and I can't quite believe it, over the ending of the book and how perfect it was, and once again still trying to get over that this is really the end. How can I put into words how much I love this series, how much I love this book, without spoiling it for you. I am going to do my hardest to make this a spoiler free review, but try to portray how much I love Ensnared.

Alyssa and her Dad have to travel back to Wonderland to save it, her Mum, Jeb, and Morpheus. She must face Queen Red for the last time in a battle for her future, for her life, and for her otherworldly home. But the only way back is through AnyElsewhere, and with the help of relatives she never knew she had, Alyssa soon finds herself in the company of Morpheus and a slightly power hungry Jeb.
Within the pages, Alyssa discovers where her true feelings lie and also how far she is willing to go in order to save not only everyone she loves, but also Wonderland. Morpheus is just as annoying but also just as sexy, and Jeb is Jeb, devastatingly handsome, sexy, and in my eyes, the perfect person for Alyssa.

Ensnared is an epic adventure, full of deception, romance, and lots of magic. It takes us to a whole new world, literally, and I love this twist in the story and how it all came about, although I don't like the results that came from this. Ensnared was an amazing end to this series and packs so much into the pages. I had so much fun revisiting the characters I know and love, and even with the twists and secrets that were revealed, my love for this series never faded.

Writing this review, and seeing how long it actually took me to read Ensnared you would think I did not like it, but to be honest I did not want to finish this book. By reading at my usual speed I could have finished this one in hours, instead of a week, but then Ensnared would have been over faster, my only consolidation to having this be the end of one of the most amazing series I have read, was to take my time and make every single day count.

I know my review is extremely vague, but if I added anymore to these words then I would let slip the details I want you to discover for yourselves, so I leave you with this vague review, and this one question....

Have you taken a trip down the rabbit hole yet, and if not, what's stopping you?