A review by fallenprincess
Blister by Jeff Strand


3.5 stars
A fascinating and weird tale of the world's funniest cartoonist (or so I think) who pulls the best prank ever, but needs to lay low after he does it.
To be honest bratty kids were throwing rocks at his dog and their parents were enabling the kids to do it. What's a man to do except dress up like a crazy man, cover himself in blood and chase after the kids with a chainsaw? Ok one of the kids tripped and broke his arm, but still worth it!

Anyways so now he is laying low in a cabin and one of his neighbors is a girl who lives with her dad. She barely goes out as her face has been melted off. The two hit it of and form a really supportive friendship. That being said, there are people around with plenty of darkness in their hearts and they are about to cause some major issues.