A review by nightwing
D-39: A Robodog's Journey by Irene Latham

Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
Thanks to NetGalley &  Charlesbridge for the early copy in exchange for an honest review. I, unfortunately, had to DNF at 50%. 

D-39 is a realistic robot dog that comes into the care of Klynt, a mechanical tinkerer living with her father in a dystopian wasteland and hoping her mother will come back one day. 

The title made it seem like it'd be more about the dog and it kinda is, but it's mostly about Klynt. I really like the dystopian setting and found it interesting, I just mainly couldn't get past the writing. 

There's a ton of made-up words in here like "poopflush" (toilet) "bombblast" (bomb) "dripface" (cry). I can't take them seriously at all, they're ridiculous to me. Bombblast reminds me too much of Jar Jar Binks. It's a mix of English and Jar Jar Binks language. Too weird! It's sad though, because the setting is really interesting.

I also wasn't a fan of the reasoning behind this dystopian setting. Dogs were banned due to a disease that spread from dogs to humans. Now there's war. Like, seriously? Hahhaha. I guess cats got out okay? Birds? I mean, I guess I am typing this while in a pandemic that began through a bat, but at least bats aren't banned. So it's probably just me unable to suspend disbelief to enjoy the story. 

A cool dystopian story, if you can get past the "quirky" writing style.