A review by beth_books_123
The Stone Monkey by Jeffery Deaver


Deaver, you smart cookie - 5*

I don't regret how late/early I stayed up to read this. I may be a little tired now but I don't care because this book was intense! I think I was running on adrenaline; I needed to finish this book.

I'm still astounded that I've just finished the 4th book in the series and it's still 5*. I'm used to reading series where the sequel (and so on) are nowhere near as good as the first book but this series is phenomenal. This really highlights how amazing Deaver's writing is; the fact that he can maintain the momentum through four books -amazing!

Okay. Deaver made me cry AGAIN... The main reason (well, the only reason) was because of Sachs and Rhyme. I can't deal if anything happens to them and their relationship. I will be a broken shell and will probably need bereavement counselling. Their relationship is so subtle and it's perfect. It doesn't deter from the storyline but adds depth to the story. If only all my ships were like this. (OTP , I'm looking at you!) As a reader, I'm forever excited at my ship happening (Sachs and Rhyme) but I'm always terrified that we're going to lose the magic of the story. Deaver does not make this mistake; he's brilliant.

The plot is incredibly well-researched. I have learnt so much about Chinese history, corruption, smuggling and American immigration. Wow, wow, wow! The detail that goes into these stories clearly shows Deaver's commitments to these novels. Every single time, I am plunged into this new world, which seems so real and wow.

I'm ready to read the Vanished Man.
(Is it binge-reading if I'm reading one of these a day?)