A review by adammm
Charming Him by Louisa Masters


A guy traveling around Europe meets a playboy billionaire in Monaco. Instalust becomes love, and of course, shenanigans occur.

This book is really the epitome of what I have always liked about romance novels: they're just so happy. I mean, yeah, traumaporn is not exactly unpopular (and recovery from some ancient/recent hurt is an exceedingly common trope), but let's be honest - we're reading for the inevitable happy ending. Charming Him manages to lead up to the happily ever after very nicely: the couple manage to navigate their differing expectations and personalities very naturally, while never becoming too cliché (okay, yes, it is cliché, but it doesn't feel like it, and that's what matters).

I found this one when searching for Dreamspun Desires on the Amazon Kindle store and selected it at random (mainly because it was free). The line is a bit uneven but some of the books are true hits: the stakes are very rarely higher than "will the relationship survive," racial diversity is significantly more common than in other lines/publishers/websites, it covers a billion different tropes, and the books tend to be solid overall. They're like the m/m racially diverse version of Harlequins. I will continue to look for more books in the line.

Read if you like the billionaire trope, exotic locales, and a low-stakes build-up to the happy ending.