A review by authorheatherw
None of the Regular Rules by Erin Soderberg Downing


This book was a cute and fun read! I liked the concept of three friends trying to shake up their lives by completing a list of dares left behind by Sophie’s deceased Aunt Suzy. There was a certain level of predictability to the plot, but it was still a sweet story.

Sophie, Grace and Ella are three best friends who are beginning their senior year of high school. They each have their own distinct personalities, but have been friends since grade school. The girls were relatable and I loved reading about the ups and downs of their friendship. The girls are fumbling in different aspects of their lives and it was sweet how they relied on each other to get through the tough times.

I loved Sophie, she’s a girl you can cheer for. She’s quiet and unassuming and has spent high school being the silent observer. Whenever she completed one of her aunt’s dares, I felt like she was growing so much as a character.

I think the friendship was the driving force of the novel. The cover threw me off a little bit since it made me guess that the romance was more of the focal point. In actuality, Sophie and Johnny’s relationship came off as a fling. I thought they were cute together, but I kept thinking that it was probably not going to last.

By halfway through the novel, it starts to tackle more serious issues, which added depth to the story. Without giving anything away, revelations cause Sophie to question everything in her life. I liked how the author depicted her changing emotions and how she overcame her darker thoughts with the help of her friends. I especially liked the ending and thought it was a cute way to conclude Sophie’s journey.

This is an enjoyable YA novel about love and friendship. I look forward to reading more from the author!

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Thanks to Xpresso Book Tours for a copy of this novel for review!