A review by asbookreviewsforfun_alicia
I Chose to Die by Ksenia Anske


I love this book because it doesn't sugar coat life. Ailen Bright's father is a chauvinist pig. He apparently drives his wife to suicide because she can't deal with him anymore. He's always asking Ailen what woman are made for and if she doesn't answer to haul water he hits her partly because she answered wrong and partly to toughen her up. he sees woman as weak. he wants her to fight him back. he thinks most women are whores from a young age that only have one job to lure and deceit men. he takes great pride in his expensive house,car and even his Italian leather shoes. he couldn't care less about his daughter. another of his favorite punishments is locking her in the bathroom where there's marble statues of beautiful women called sirens. she's in there enough that she starts telling them everything they are her only real family besides her best friend Hunter so she calls them her sisters. On the morning of her 16th birthday she decides to commit suicide. she figures its the only way she'll get away from her father. something happens to her that makes her realize she hadn't scratched the surface of her father's evil. she learns that no one not even the sirens or herself are quite what/who they seemed to be.