A review by shadi_anna
Knight in Paper Armor by Nicholas Conley


I was asked to review an ARC copy of this novel by the author himself, so here are my thoughts.

First off, I'd like to say that the author contacted me about his book, and is the nicest guy around!
When I first read the blurb, I knew right away that this was going to be interesting for me to read, for many reasons.

I've never come across anything quite like KIPA before, because it blends sci-fi with historical events, cultural diversity and sensitive issues like racism, scientific experimentation on humans, and hate crimes. And so much more.

I found both the beginning and ending bittersweet, and the beginning itself tugged at my heartstrings, as the book begins with the main character, Billy, when he's a little boy who's born special and goes through a truly traumatic experience so early in life.

The author's sensitivity to the issues mentioned above is one of the highlights of this novel, so I'd highly recommend it just based on this.
One thing I'm not overly a fan of is switching so frequently from one scene/chapter to the next, though a lot happens as the plot develops, so it's a good fit, and I can see why this decision is a sound one. I personally would've preferred just a little bit more on the characters' psyche, so that it's easier to see why they make some of the decisions they make, but it's not at all a major issue.

**Recommended to both YA readers and adults.**