A review by wynter
The Saga of the Volsungs by Jesse L. Byock


Some strange things I learned while reading the book:

1. You can start out as a hunted criminal, and be raised to a place of honor and respect by pillaging villages,
2. Weak children must be killed off. Spartans have nothing on these guys,
3. Incest is okay as long as you switch bodies with someone else before doing it,
4. You want this guy. He tells you he would leave his wife for you. You get the guy killed,
5. When your evil stepmother gives you poisoned ale twice, you have good faith in the third time,
6. Talk in riddles to your brothers, if you want them to kill you for no reason. They will feel really bad about it after the fact though, if that’s any consolation.

For more thoughts on this awesome book head over to Through the Pages