A review by trike
The Ring of the Seven Worlds Vol. 1: The Calm Before the Storm by Matteo Piana, Davide Turotti, Giovanni Gualdoni, Gabriele Clima


This is a fun YA steampunk adventure that’s part Metabarons ([b:The Metabarons: Ultimate Collection|12123436|The Metabarons Ultimate Collection|Alejandro Jodorowsky|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1330019364s/12123436.jpg|2744890]) and part Steam Boy ([b:スチームボーイ 絵コンテ集 The Storyboard Book: Steam Boy|1003043|スチームボーイ 絵コンテ集 The Storyboard Book Steam Boy|Katsuhiro Otomo|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1180136434s/1003043.jpg|988533]). Although it seems the creators are Italian, it feels very much like a French comic.

The story is fun and the art is beautiful, very dynamic and clearly laid out. It could use with more splash pages to establish locations better, but that’s a very minor quibble.