A review by marelline
Break by Hannah Moskowitz


I've been meaning to read a book by Hannah Moskowitz for some time, and actually had another book on my wishlist that I was planning to get as my first Moskowitz read. But before purchasing that I started browsing through the premises of her other books and this one in particular struck my attention. A boy who purposely sets out on missions to break his bones? How strange. It was unlike anything I've ever heard of before. And then after purchasing I realized that this was also Moskowitz' debut novel. How fitting.

While reading I think my main thought was trying to figure out what exactly made Jonah want to break his bones. I know the premise mentions everything around him falling apart, I wanted to know what specifically. And I'm not going to sit here and say that what he did makes no sense, or 'why would he do this all he's doing is causing his parents more problems', etc etc because people who undergo copious amounts of stress/depression/trauma all cope in different ways, and in some cases they cope in ways that no one else will be able to understand. What seems crazy to you may seem normal to the one doing it.

I am very pleased with this read, there was never a dull moment, and I will certainly be reading more from this author in the future.