A review by yvo_about_books
The Wolf Border by Sarah Hall


Finished reading: April 20th 2019

“There seems no need for anything else now. There is no wound. The only wound is life, recklessly creating it, knowing that it will never be safe, it will never last; it will only ever be real.”

I got a copy of The Wolf Border at a hostel book exchange during our Europe trip last year, intrigued by the cover and blurb and the promise of a story set in the wilderness. I've been looking forward to finally read it, and I thought the O.W.L.s Readathon was a great excuse to do so... I didn't expect to have the reaction I had to this story though. Why? The fact is, The Wolf Border was very close to getting me in a slump, and not in a good way. I literally made every possible excuse to not pick up my copy and do something else instead, and it took me considerably longer to finally reach that last page. I even thought about just DNFing it multiple times... In short, I don't think The Wolf Border and me were ment to be. The first thing that surprised (and disappointed me) was the fact that the wilderness and wolves don't play as much of a significant role in the story as the blurb lets to believe, the plot instead mostly focusing on Rachel and her complicated life. This story is mainly something that can be classified as a family drama with an overdose of unnecessarily explicit adult scenes (another turn off for me), with the wolves playing a background role rather than being the main attraction. Sure, some things can be said about the comparison of animal instincts and behavior between human and animal. This can be considered an interesting aspect of this story; the underlying message that we are still basically animals in the end. BUT. It's hard thinking about this comparison and its cleverness when you can't stand the characters and don't feel a connection to them at all... The same goes for the writing style. The sentences are halted and the prose doesn't seem to flow at all; making it hard to stay invested and focus on the story. I know some have loved The Wolf Border and I'm glad, but I personally had a really hard time finishing it for various reasons. It wasn't my cup of tea, but I'm hoping others will like its taste.