A review by emilyknott
travail salarie et capital salaire prix et profit by Karl Marx


despite this text being written and published in the 19th century, it still remains relevant today with its insight into class relations. specifically, i found the concept of the power the working class really has incredibly enlightening, the idea that "capital, which, without wage-labour, ceases to be capital" displays the strength within the working class.

another aspect that particularly drew me in, which has been highlighted by others reviewing, was:
“to say that "the worker has an interest in the rapid growth of capital", means only this: that the more speedily the worker augments the wealth of the capitalist, the larger will be the crumbs which fall to him" - illustrating the dynamics between the capitalist and the worker, and the forced nature of labour.

nonetheless, i will admit due to my somewhat limited understanding of economics and marxism as a whole, i did find certain aspects of the short text challenging - yet would still recommended it to those looking for a good read, as it's largely base concepts:)

(ignore the read dates i forgot i was reading this)