A review by angus_mckeogh
The Devils of Loudun by Aldous Huxley


The story itself is pretty interesting. Basically a contingent of nuns at a convent decide and/or are coerced into feigning demonic possession which results in a local parson being accused of witchcraft and getting executed. Early political theatre and religious shenanigans. Sadly someone dies as the result, but that’s not the first nor the last time that has or will happen. Experts at the time essentially out these nuns as frauds yet the man is still found guilty. I also found out why I stopped reading during my first foray through the book. Huxley has three or four chapters scattered throughout which just delve into philosophical discourse and compared to the story were unfortunately mindnumbingly boring (in my view). I suppose I found them marginally more interesting this time round. A pretty good read.