A review by alex505
Make or Break by Catherine Bennetto


Jess sets off with her boyfriend to Cape Town to attend her best friend's wedding. She has a big plan in her mind, hoping she could be back in London with an engagement ring on her finger and a bright future ahead of her. However, from the moment she sees her dad at the airport, things go out of plans...
This could be an interesting and laugh-out-loud story for me if only the protagonist was a nicer person. She seems to me is just self-centered and pretentious. The way she behaves on the plane and her way of imposing her ideas on others all get on my nerves. Of course, she’s got a reason but there are a lot more ways to deal with the problem. My favorite character is Jimmy. When Jimmy is at the center of the story, things got more pleasurable, he is genuinely a nice person, I quite like the person Jess becomes when she is near him. But talking about Jimmy, I couldn't ignore another thing that gives me goosebumps, the way Jess pretends to talk to Flora, jimmy’s dog, I honestly cringe whenever it pops up into the story, just stop it! I might be a bit harsh but the narrator Jess is really not my cup of tea at all. sorry. ;( but people have their preference, apparently, a lot of people enjoyed reading it, it's not that bad but personally I wouldn't give another go at the author. (Bearing in mind I've tried two and liked neither)