A review by augmentedaugust
The Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi


Spanning from 1917 to 2017, The Hundred Years War catalogs every major conflict in Palestine’s tumultuous history in extraordinary detail. Khalidi is perfectly positioned for this work, and his own personal and familial connections make what could otherwise be an incredibly dense book much easier to take in. That being said it is still absolutely jam packed with information, detailing complex machinations that absolutely require time to sit and digest. Highly recommend this for anyone wanting to better understand Palestine’s history, its relationship with other countries in the Middle East, and just exactly how Israel has been able to get away with its reign of terror over the Palestinian people for such a long time. This is a book that tells you exactly how we got to where we are, and reminds us how hard we need to continue to fight for a free Palestine.