A review by rusticreadingal
Brass Carriages and Glass Hearts by Nancy Campbell Allen


3.5 stars

This was a fun read. The whole series has been a blast. I love a good retelling, and when you add steampunk into the mix, how can I resist?

This was probably my least favorite in the series, but in no way was it bad. I loved that Emme and Oliver finally got their happily ever after, and I enjoyed getting to see the previous characters. It was neat seeing what they were up to now. I did feel like the pacing was a little uneven at times, which made for a slower read than I expected. And while I felt like we got to know Emme really well, Oliver wasn't quite as fleshed-out and three-dimensional as her.

I loved all the nods to Cinderella. I thought the first part was a little light on the retelling aspect and I was beginning to wonder when the fairy tale parts were gonna show up. But they did eventually appear, and I thought they were cleverly done. (I loved Gus Gus!)

If you're a fan of steampunk, or just wanting to give it a try, I definitely recommend this series. I'd say start with book one, though. This one could probably technically stand alone, but there's a lot of backstory that would be missed out on. Plus, Beauty and the Clockwork Beast is one of my all-time favorite retellings.