A review by missprint
Super Sushi Ramen Express: One Family's Journey Through the Belly of Japan by Michael Booth


(Not sure why this is only listed as audio, Kindle, or e-book as I read it as a hardcover.)

I thoroughly enjoyed this! To the point that I pretty promptly went and ordered myself a copy of Booth's other book on Scandanavia.

I enjoyed how readable Booth's writing is - he's a bit Bryson-ish, mixing astute observations with humor, and keeping everything pretty accessible. I appreciated how thoroughly he delved into his topic, and how he mixed personal experience with history and science. Very journalistic but, again, very readable.

I did feel he left some holes in his exploration, most particularly "everyday" foods. And dessert. Which I found funny, because he criticized Tsuji's book for neglecting dessert, but except for a few rare mentions, Booth also totally neglects any dessert culture in Japan. No mochi, no dango, no red bean, nothing. And he also makes no mention of snacks, or more informal eating - or breakfast! He speaks of many dinners, some lunches, but no breakfasts, which I was disappointed in because I personally find breakfast traditions very interesting.

Those omissions in mind, it was still a great read, very informative, and now I am teaching myself Japanese cooking!