A review by rakoerose
Resident Alien Volume 3: The Sam Hain Mystery by Peter Hogan, Steve Parkhouse


Obvious bias is obvious, I adore this series so much.

”Sadly, that’s one of the things you learn in life… Homes don’t last.”

We’re getting more glimpses of Harry’s backstory which just keeps getting somehow even more tragic. I’m at my wits end, please just let this man be happy!! Leave him alone! He’s built himself an entirely new life with a community who seems to adore him.

Yet the feds are inching closer and closer and I’m so tense just waiting for the shoe to drop where Harry’s currently joy-filled bubble is popped. Really hoping the people he’s been caring for help shield him even a little bit. If just one person is like “lol nah never seen anyone like this” I will be so happy.

The mystery that’s unraveled in this volume is really good, if not also sad. A lot of these seem to hinge on Harry finding out different ways humans struggle in their lives, which are things he unexpectedly finds himself relating to. Unexpected, because his own people held pre-conceived notions of how we act. I like seeing Harry’s growth in understanding not every situation is black and white in terms of who is right or wrong. I appreciate these themes of growth and mutual understanding a lot!

Anyway, loved this as always and will be excitedly grabbing the next volume sometime soon!