A review by thewildmageslibrary
A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown



I read this for a buddy read and wow, it was hard to put down and keep to the schedule! The world of Sonande instantly drew me in - the author is great at immersing you in the scene. The griot called me to Solstasia and I'm not sure I've left yet.
One of the things I really loved about starting this book was the page with potential trigger warnings. I'll include them below, but the fact they were just included as if it were normal was great to see.
Karina was instantly a delight. I love her snark and slow journey to responsibility. "Hire uglier stable boys." XD She's definitely a reluctant heiress and I found myself rooting for her in spite of her occasional childishness. I cannot wait to see what she does in the sequel.
Malik - oh, Malik. My heart hurts for him. Things go south so fast at the beginning of the story and he spends most of the book trapped and desperate. Despite that, he's for sure not helpless. ;) And the final challenge...well can't say anything because spoilers!
I spent most of this book being completely wrong and it was fantastic. ASOWAR will keep you guessing and screeching, so go read it!!

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