A review by rach
The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog by Barbara Mertz, Elizabeth Peters


Despite the fact that I read this book several years ago, I had forgotten enough about it that I was surprised and delighted by the twist at the end. I certainly didn't see the Cyrus part coming, and I sat bolt upright and gasped when I read it. When a ending is so shocking that you want to go back and reread parts of the book, it can only mean one thing: it was well done!

For much of this book, I felt frustrated along with Amelia that Emerson wouldn't remember her or their history together, but I loved seeing her determination to make him remember eventually, and her complete commitment to him is touching. Bertha was annoying, but mostly because I couldn't figure her out. I loved the letters from Ramses - he's such a funny kid, and it sounds like they had quite the adventures back at home this season as well.

Overall, quite an enjoyable read. Now on to the next! :)