A review by anya_doesntmatter
Withered + Sere by TJ Klune


Tj Klune, has a wicked brilliant sense of humor. He excels at expressing it and writing it. So when Tj, announced his next book would be dark and heavy I admit, I was skeptical. After all, I couldn’t imagine Tj... C’mon Tj?! The man who gave us Bear and Gary, yeah that Tj, pulling off a dark, dystopian novel. He stated he would make us feel suffering, loss, despair and hope. He said we would cry…. Wookie face cry. When I read those words, I was like… nah, not your niche. Again, I didn’t think he could pull it off.

Well folks, let me tell you, he did. As a matter of fact he pulverized it.

Withered + Sere is about a dark violent post apocalyptic dystopian world left behind after humanity self destructed 100 years prior. It kind of reminds me of a cross between Mad Max ( The original Mel Gibson gem) and The Road. The blurb does a fantastic job summing up the story. A lot of reviews here basically tells you the entire story as well, Therefore; I don’t want to rehash any of that. I want to instead convey to you how this story made me feel. My heart seized a couple times. I had to put the book down several times because it’s an emotionally hard headspace to be in. My curiosity always won over so my mini breaks were just that, quick 10 minutes moments to compose myself and carry on. Can’t really read with tears in my eyes and all that. I’m talented but not that talented *smirk*
Tj, set the bar, he had an agenda. Ironically, it’s an agenda he’s accomplished with his other books but I never though of him being successful outside “his genre” The goal: To emotionally tear us apart. He kept his word. He rendered me useless for a couple days and I enjoyed every minute of that disturbing, beautiful ride.
*Arc provided for review*