A review by magencorrie
Crash into You by Katie McGarry


(received from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review)

My Thoughts

I just love this series by Katie. Each book was just a fantastic story, and Crash into You was a great addition to this wonderful series. Now, I think between all three my two favorites would have to be Pushing the Limits and Crash into You. Each story really delved deep into each character and their stories were all so brilliantly told.

Crash into You, though not a book filled with a lot of surprises, was just a wonderful read! It captured my attention, and took me on a very nice ride. It was sweet, intense, and beautifully told.

I’m really glad to have Isaiah’s story told. His story was a very emotional, and heart touching one. I loved every minute of it. He really is a great, caring guy and being inside his head was an experience that I adored. I really got absorbed into his world. He has that tough, bad boy exterior but, yet, he has the most beautiful soul. He’s development throughout the story was a delight to watch and experience.

I really did enjoy Rachel. She is a strong character, despite everything she goes through. I adored her sweetness, her car obsession, and naive nature. I felt she really was a great match for Isaiah. Rachel is a good presentation that even if you have money, your life could be far from perfect. And everything that she goes through just made me really enjoy her. At the end, though what happened to her broke my heart, she really developed into a wonderful, very strong individual.

Another great part is that Noah, Echo, Beth, and even Ryan make appearances in Crash into You. Though not a lot it was nice seeing them again. I also did like Rachel’s brothers, Ethan and West. The side characters were all well-developed and I enjoyed their roles they played. Though some creeped me out!

The romance between Isaiah and Rachel was adorable, sweet, and heartfelt. As I mentioned, I did feel that they are great counterparts for each other. They, in a lot of ways, helped each other. Isaiah helped Rachel break out of her shell, and Rachel made Isaiah feel worthy and love. Though their love is more tamed compared to the first two books, it was still a joy to read!

The pacing in the book was wonderful. I didn't really feel a drag, nor feel like the book was losing anything in the greatness value. And as I mentioned, though the story wasn't filled with a lot of surprises (I could guess a lot to what was going to happen) I couldn't put it down. I became enthralled once I started! The detailed was good, I enjoyed the conflicts, the emotional depth of the characters, their own personal stories, and Katie’s writing style.

The only thing that I felt a bit disappointment on was that, I guess, I expected the book to end differently. Though how it did end wasn't bad at all. I just wanted more out of the ending. I felt like it wasn't the ending. If that makes any sense!

All in all, this book is a wonderful addition to this series! One I adored! Crash into You was a very heart-in-your-throat kind of read. So if you love fast cars, hot boys, a beautiful romance, then you will adore this book!