A review by cstuart13
Andrew Jackson: His Life and Times by H.W. Brands


I don't know if I took so long to read this book because of me or the book lagged. Maybe a combination of both.

The subject was interesting, though Brands spent more pages and words on Jackson and his life pre-national politics, and I would have spent more words on Jackson's life at the entrance of national politics and beyond.

I can understand why some have compared President Andrew Jackson to President Donald Trump. There are similarities in what made them appealing to some in this country, though the former is more committed to the Union and the American cause than himself.

Jackson was the first of his kind, the first man of the people, non-politician, to become president, and it showed in the way he approached his job. This change of determining power was good and bad. The good, the election of a president became much more about the people's will. The bad, the election of a president became much more about the people's will. You can read and see what I mean.

Now on to my next presidential biography. Martin Van Buren.