A review by mom2three
Frost Fae by Meg Xuemei X


I really need to get in the habit of watching my page counts when I read Meg's books. The end always seems to jump up and smack me in the face when I least expect it. I'm blaming her amazing talent and the fact that she sucks me in so deep that I lose focus of everything else around me. So, once again, that's what has happened with this one. It ends on a cliffhanger, but it's the perfect place to put one. The action is at a pause, as is the romances, and things are on the cusp of change.

There are many unknowns, untruths, and betrayals in this story. It's full of action, adventure, danger, and excitement, too. Eve is continuing to grow as a person and into her powers, and I love the way she tends to vacillate between being strong and mature and being young and unsure. Her family continues to be her main focus, which is another thing I love, and she will fight for them until her dying breath, but she is also starting to understand her importance to the world as a whole. This adds a new dimension to her character and makes me love her even more. I'm interested in seeing where some of the character relationships go, two in particular, and how their actions will influence the story. I'm also anxious to see what other horrors await Eve and those she loves.

This is a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat, melt your heart with love, inflame your passions, and leave you begging for more.