A review by the_creepy_geek
The Crescent Moon by E.J. Doble


Oh I feel so bad about this. I really really wanted to like this but it just didn't work for me. I didn't gel with the writing style and just felt like so much of this just went over my head. The dialogue didn't flow and everything felt like a big speech. 

From the other reviews, this looks like it's a case of "me and not the book" as it's just not the sort of thing I vibe with and not what I was expecting going in but I can see why other people would enjoy it. 

I've seen a lot of reviews refer to this book as a "philosophy tale" or "philosophical fantasy" and I really wish I'd know that going in as I would have known it was definitely not for me.

I'm extra sad because I received this by winning a giveaway from the author and have a beautiful signed hardback but I have already found a new home for it and I hope they enjoy it!