A review by anemone42
The Burning: Massacre, Destruction, and the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 by Tim Madigan


This is a fantastic book about an area of history I know far too little about: so-called "race riots" of the late 19th and early 20th century in the US. I say "so-called race riots" because what is generally implied by the term "race riots" is that people of color rioted, causing a violent response by the white majority. In this case, however (and very possibly in many others), it was white aggression every step of the way. White men wanted a lynching. White men entered the black part of town and started shooting. White men burned the black part of town to ashes. White men herded the black people of the town into camps like animals, *shooting at them from planes*. No points for guessing who was blamed in national media.