A review by 00leah00
Holy Hell by Elizabeth Sims


“Holy Hell” is a delightful mystery and suspense book that in turns can be funny, scary, or nerve wracking.
Lillian Byrd is a reporter that is fired after she stabs her boss’s son with an X-acto knife. Before she’s fired, she comes across a murder while at the police station looking for a story. She recognizes the victim as a DJ that worked at the local ladies’ bar. She gets a freelance job to investigate the murder and finds herself in all kinds of trouble.
She attracts all kinds of trouble, sometimes doing things she shouldn’t. She’s dealing with the boss’s son who is holding a grudge, she’s got a stalker and she gets in the crosshairs of a pair of murderers all in a couple weeks of each other.
I didn’t always like Lillian, I thought her treatment of her ex-girlfriend was pretty shitty, especially since she’s the one who ended the relationship but it also made Lillian more realistic. She’s not perfect, and she’ll be the first to admit it.
And this isn’t a romance in any way so if that’s what you’re looking for, you might want to look somewhere else. But Lillian is a lesbian and there is some representation in the story.
“Holy Hell” is well written and I liked the pacing; I thought it all flowed really well. It was pretty exciting and I read it in one sitting and can’t wait to read more of this series. I recommend to anyone who likes good mysteries.
It's available on Kindle Unlimited.