A review by labunnywtf
She Matters: A Life in Friendships by Susanna Sonnenberg


Let's start out by saying that I genuinely hate the way Susanna Sonnenberg writes. Hate this style, hate her voice.

Moving past that. I'm of two minds about my feelings for the people she describes in each chapter. I would not want to be friends with her myself. Nor, really, would I want to be friends with the majority of the people she was friends with. A few exceptions, like Adele. None of these people seem like good friends, Susanna included.


I wonder to myself if my intense reactions say more about myself than them. Because I did, every 50 or so pages, identify with one or the other, either Susanna or the friend in question.

So, am I violently disliking them because I see in their actions something in myself? This thought kept creeping into my head with each flash of annoyance.

So this book gets three stars for getting my brain going, which is always, to me, the sign of a good book.