A review by cdcsmith
The Bloomsday Dead by Adrian McKinty


I "read" the first 2 books in the trilogy as audio books. The way the 2nd book left off, I needed to know how the trilogy ends. I read faster than I can listen to audio books (little ears should NOT listen to this series - even in passing). I started the book this morning at the gym, stared at it at work, read a little more at lunch, couldn't pick it up again until after supper. I could not have wished for a more fitting end. There were some things I guessed right, there were somethings I did by default just because I ran out of other possibilities, but the characters were true to the end and I'm as happy as I could expect to be. Might not be a full on 5 stars, but it was a solid finish to the trilogy and better than 4 stars.

Now about the writing. What I love about McKinty's writing is how he manages to work in such beautifully written prose surrounded by all the blood and voiolence. Love it.