A review by what_will_jess_read_next
The Last Woman in the World by Inga Simpson


Inga Simpson has this amazing ability to write about nature in such a way that each tree, each bird, each river becomes a character of it’s own.

Admittedly I am very familiar with the NSW south coast and Canberra, so I could picture the landscapes Rachel was travelling through.
But Simpson describes place with such detail, I not only imagined them, I felt like I was there.

This story is an apocalyptic thriller, a letter of love to the natural world and a warning to us all about climate change and the impact humans are having on the planet.

If I had read this 5 years ago, I probably would have scoffed at how far-fetched it all was.
How terrifying that much of “The last woman in the world” has or is happening right now.