A review by sophiemeink
A Neon Darkness by Lauren Shippen


 "I could tell her. Even though I haven't seen her in months and was just barely beginning to become friends with her before I ran away, I feel like I know Indah. I know that if I told her the whole sob story, she'd listen attentively, nod along at the right parts, and then her heart would bleed all over me. She would be sympathetic, would maybe even touch my arm, give me a hug, tell me how sorry she is that I've been alone for so long. And the whole time, even if I were wrapped in her embrace, having soothing words whispered into my ear, I would wonder if any of it was real. I want that affection so badly, but in the cold light of day, that desire feels unseemly. I hate that dark little part of me that craves comfort, craves a soft hand and a warm body, but as much as I despise it, I can't destroy it. It rules me and I rule everyone else. 
So I say nothing at all. I turn around to put my coffee mug in the sink, hiding my face and trying to bury that ugly desire for pity somewhere deep."