A review by thegeekybibliophile
Boundary by Mary Victoria Johnson


Never try to open the locked doors.
Never question what you are told.
And never attempt to cross the Boundary.

The entire blurb had me intrigued, but this is the part that really caught my eye and sparked my curiosity. (Why are there locked doors? Why is total obedience required? And what the heck is the Boundary?)

It's been quite some time since I read this book, and my lingering impressions of it are few and far between. Given my rating, I suppose it was enjoyable enough to read, though I recall some minor annoyances along the way. (Given the setting, it was likely due to details or language that didn't quite fit the setting, as that is usually the case.)

I wasn't particularly motivated to go on and read the next book in the trilogy at the time, and it's unlikely that I ever will.

I received an advance reading copy of this book courtesy of Lodestone Books via Netgalley.