A review by sashas_books
Matter by Iain M. Banks


Let's have a confession first. This is my first Culture novel ever, and my very first book by Iain M. Banks. Why is that, you may ask? Well, x years ago I happened to pick up one of his books (can't remember which one) at a bookstore. I read a couple of pages, did not understand anything and put it back in disgust. Since then I had the words "this is not my kind of author and I'm not reading anything by him ever" imprinted in my brain. Now I don't know what said brain was thinking.

Thank you, book club!

- This is great space opera: I loved the scope, the ideas, the very weird aliens (I wish there was a chance to see more of them though).
- The characters were terrific.
- I enjoyed the writing style, the dialogues were especially masterfully done.

I just had a couple of minor complaints:
- There was a certain quality to the writing that made the reading rather slow, I kept getting distracted.
- When it comes to plot, it felt like there was too much build-up and too little resolution.

Anyway, I am very happy I got over my prejudices. I am now ready to read more Culture books :-)