A review by chapters_and_pages
The Fandom by Anna Day


I really liked this book! It really spoke to my inner fangirl! It was so good!

When Violet and her friends go to Comic Con to meet the stars of their favourite book, The Gallows Dance, they are unexpectedly pulled into that world. After accidentally causing the death of the main character, Rose, Violet must take her place in the story.

I really liked Violet! Throughout the novel, we really saw her develop into a stronger and more confident person who stood up for herself. She became more secure and happy with herself and that was really nice to see! I loved how determined she was, doing anything to help her friends.

I didn’t like Alice from the beginning, the further in I got, the more I hated her! She was so annoying and so selfish. While she did, to some degree, redeem herself, it didn’t really make me dislike her any less. Violet’s other friend, Katie, was so enjoyable! She was funny and witty, sarcastic and clever. I just wished we had seen a bit more of her, as she wasn’t in quite a big chunk of the story.

I really liked Nate. He started as Violet’s annoying little brother, but as their situation becomes more and more direr, Nate and Violet start to really lean on each other and I loved the relationship we had between them! Nate put so much unquestionable faith into Violet and she was so protective of him, it was so nice to see their bond. When he met his end in the fictional world, I wasn’t to affected by it, because I assumed that once they came back to the real world, everything would be fine. IT WAS NOT FINE!!!

I loved Ash! He was so sweet and kind and I just loved his character. I loved him and Violet together, I was rooting for them from the beginning! I really loved that he was the love interest, as oppose to Willow (the love interest in The Gallows Dance), because I feel like a lot of the time, in a love triangle setting, the person the main character doesn’t end up with, is portrayed as annoying or they do something fairly bad. I really wanted some type of resolution between Ash and Violet! The way it ended just broke my heart!

I really loved the concept of this story! It was intriguing and entertaining, I was hooked from very early on! It was action-packed and really well paced, I wasn’t at any point bored or not caring. I really liked the world created, it was so interesting and felt very real. The endings were so sad, but I really think that it worked really well for this story.

I really enjoyed the role fandoms and fanfiction played in this book! We have a main character who writes fanfiction, which is something lots of fans do. Also, we had a lot of mentions of real fandoms, like The Hunger Games and Divergent, and I really liked that! It made the story feel more real to have these mentions of actual fandoms we all know about as oppose to just having the fictional fandom included.

Overall, this was such an enjoyable read! I’m not sure if there is going to be a sequel, but I really hope there is! If you are a big fangirl or fanboy, this is definitely a book you need to check out!