A review by gloryreadstoomuchh
Filthy Crown by Eleanor Aldrick


i don’t know why i thought this book would be better than the second book (i honestly should have just read the third book and then went back bc now i have no desire to finish these series. the tropes were stepdads brother, daddy, and pregnancy. i really thought i was going to love this book, bc while i love when a man is chasing the girl, when a girl sets her mind on and man and gets him it is so hot, this book wasn’t it. i would like to preface that the main couple or the kids that were in the book were not the problem, but his family being around so much and involved all the time was so annoying, like it gave “why would a man be there”. this was a complaint of mine in the second book so i’m assuming that it just continues in the series, but it doesn’t make sense that they don’t have any alone moments either by themselves or with her siblings where the other family members are not around, like go somewhere.