A review by lucyp747d4
The Jungle Book: The Mowgli Stories by Rudyard Kipling


Having only seen the Disney animation and live action versions of this story I was very keen to listen to this audible version. I enjoyed the dramatised production and found all the characters were portrayed well. It was a relatively easy story to follow and the short episodes allowed me to listen with ease whilst I was doing a job. For me there is nothing worse than having to stop an audio story mid chapter! 

Whilst I would recommend this story to families and children I did find aspects of it quite dark so if you were expecting it to be similar to the Disney cartoon animation then you will be disappointed. If you are going to let children listen to it then I would say it's suitable for 8 years+. 

I did enjoy this story but I found my mind wondering every now and again and I didn't get the same level of excitement that I was expecting. It has made me more inclined to read the actual book itself, which has been sitting on my shelf for a while. Just to see how it compares.