A review by vimki
History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera


He's done it again. Adam Silvera writes characters that are flawed and make bad decisions but you end up loving them anyway. HISTORY made me cry, laugh & think multiple times throughout. It broke me, basically. It is so well written and the characters are so interesting and complex. Griffin is a sweetie pie with a whole truck load of issues and at times i was feeling for him but then other times I was mad at him for acting so rash and not even thinking about anyone other than himself. Theo was sweet but kinda annoying for me? idk. At the start I loved him and Griffin together but as I got further into the book I realised how destructive he was for Griffin and that kinda made me dislike him a lot. Wade was great, like SO so great. I really did not expect the turn his character took but I loved it so much and i'm SO happy with his ending. Jackson was someone I demonised at the start, same as Griffin, because of his relationship with Theo but I actually ended up really enjoying his character. He is so troubled by his past (before Theo) and now with what happened to Theo he's even more troubled and broken but having someone like Griffin to talk to was so good for him. I did really like him at the end but he was still a bit eh for me. All of Adam's books are great for diversity but this one especially. Lots of queer rep, mental illness rep, disabled rep AND on top of all of that its #ownvoices which is brilliant. HISTORY wasn't as heartbreaking as MORE HAPPY for me (that literally wrecked me and I couldn't read for weeks after that) but it still broke me. 10/10 absolutely LOVED it. Can't wait for Adam's next release which comes out THIS YEAR!!!!! so excited.