A review by readercecc6
A Slight Change of Plan by Dee Ernst


4.5 rounded down because the heroine's sexytimes were "onscreen" for every guy but the one she ended up with.

This book explored the "what if"s of a second chance with the one who got away and I walked away with a whole new perspective on love and regrets - so thank you, Dee Ernst.

Kate's a 55yo widow with three adult children. Eight years after the death of her unfaithful husband, she's finally ready to date again. Her son's girlfriend introduces her to online dating. Hilarity and the reality of dating after a long, long hiatus ensues.

I loved Kate's life. She had such a lovely, tight knit group of confidantes and family. Her strained relationship with her mother hurt to read about but it made the ending that much more fulfilling. She tentatively dips her toes into the dating pool and learns that sometimes what you thought you wanted actually wasn't what you needed at all.