A review by disconightwing
Breakers by Edward W. Robertson


3.5 stars maybe? The plot was pretty good, if not a bit recycled in places--the whole first part felt a lot like The Stand minus the Stephen King-ness and minus Gary Sinise, one of the few bizarre celebrity crushes I have actually managed to hold onto.

And the whole last part felt a lot like Independence Day, to the point where even the characters were laughing about how much it felt like Independence Day.

One of the things I always really enjoy about post-apoc novels, though, are the pop culture references, so I can't entirely hold that last one against the book. This novel had a lot of them.

I enjoyed reading about the two entirely different and distinct reactions of Walt compared to Raymond and Mia, but couldn't completely throw myself behind either of their plans. Walt almost seemed like he was trying too hard to be Daryl Dixon and well, this book was missing him, too. :P

I think that my biggest issue with this book was that things seemed a little forced, on occasion, just to push the plot forward and it probably would have been fine if it had just been allowed to progress naturally.

I haven't decided if I'm going to continue on with this series or not. The first book wasn't bad and I enjoyed it but it seemed to have a pretty definite ending, so I'm just not sure.