A review by mea9an
Twilight / Life and Death by Stephenie Meyer


A little preface to this review:

I just... really like Twilight, okay? I spent the past few years of my life hiding the books on my shelf because it made me cringe thinking of fifth grade me obsessing over Edward and Bella’s love story and then finding out it really wasn’t that great, but here’s the thing, it might not be literary genius, but I like Twilight. It got me into reading YA back when I was trying to find something to latch onto and I’ll always love it for that. This review is 100% biased, because this series has so much nostalgia in it and I really want to reread the entire series again and again regardless of what other people say.

The review:

Alright, so we all know the story of Twilight. Bella wants to get to know Edward, because he’s got something so... interesting about him. Edward wants to stay away because he’s actually a vampire. They get together, have the iconic meadow scene, and Bella is chased by a killer vampire who wants to suck her blood. Well, what if all the genders were switched. Bella=Beau, Edward=Edyth. What happens then?

Well, yeah, it’s mostly the same story. Except that the ending is a little bit different. Does that ruin the entire story? No, because Stephanie could have just literally given us the same story start to finish, but she at least tried to keep some things a little bit different. The ending in Life and Death was a nice surprise and I’m glad she took that route.

Bella is a pretty average/run-of-the-mill main characters who likes to read classic lit. Beau is the same kind of average, who can’t play sports and enjoys Monty Python. It’s a little bit the same, but some of the details are nice and different. It kept me interested and I was able to fly through the last couple hundred pages of the book.