A review by missfantasyfiction
We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal


A very solid 4 stars.

Wow, this book was slightly addictive. I’ve devoured the last 300 pages or so in half a day!

I’m absolutely in love with Nasir, he is exactly what I look for in a male protagonist whilst simultaneously being a love interest. He was smart, strong, handsome, and yet was far from perfect. We were really rooting for him to stand up and find himself! And Zafira too was a very easy character to root for, although I felt at times she wasn’t very original. I mean by this that she felt a lot like every single other YA female protagonist, and didn’t

All the other members of zumra were lovable and interesting and I look forward to learning more about them in the next book.

Minus points because I didn’t cry at a certain death. In fact, I didn’t really feel anything, which is slightly concerning… Also because the plot felt a bit over-complicated at times, it was a bit slow to start, and, at the beginning, I didn’t have a clue what was happening, so I feel the author could have drip-fed us information slightly better.

It had an exceptional ending though, which really left me excited and eager to get my hands on the second book.

I would definitely recommend, especially for fans of YA. From what I’ve heard, We Free the Stars is even better, so I am looking forward to reading on!