A review by valelee
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick


My 13 yo self enjoyed this so much that read it in 2 days. The story for her wasn’t cliché coz I hadn’t read many books at the time so it was a surprise every time something happened. Bad, mysterious, supernatural boy in love with the shy, invisible yet gorgeous girl was the most original and shocking thing ever for my young brain.
But now, I have grown and realized it’s not an original story at all and also romanticizes toxic relationships like the 90% of book of the genre, it also is very simple written so you could easily finish it in 1 or 2 days like I did. There’s nothing really new in this story but it does entertain you most of the time coz maybe if the characters and the story had more depth it would make a good book. However, I know I’m not part of the intended audience now and that’s why I don’t think I read it again. It’s just not good for my taste now, but considering how much I loved it when I was younger, I’ll give it 3 1/2 stars