A review by bookwormlifeofbecks
Much Ado About You by Samantha Young


This was.... disappointing. I was really excited for this and had it shelved on my tbr list for a while. What I ended up reading was a slow, boring, eye rolling, hallmark story. The characters were so underdeveloped to the point where Evie’s personality just didn’t make sense. There was no real, solid understanding of who she was. There was no depth to her. Not much depth to any of the characters really. All we knew about Roane was that he was a sensitive, romantic, quiet, farmer in the village that women drooled over and he loved his dog. That’s about as far as it goes for him. The side plots and drama was boring and typical and I hated how Evie put her nose in everyone’s business. She pulled it off but it rubbed me the wrong way. She annoyed me with how all over the place her thoughts were. The writing style... was not strong. Very mediocre writing and also all over the place. One minute I’d be reading a well structured, matured, flowing sentence and then the next it was like a teenager was writing it. The narration was so repetitive as well and I felt like I was rereading the same scenes over and over ex. ‘to my surprise, to my astonishment, to my relief. Emotion formed in my eyes, anger formed in my body, surprised formed on my face’. This book was just so underwhelming and the cheese factor made this love story completely unbelievable. There was no sprinkle of something extra special to this romance trope to set it apart from others.