A review by eesh25
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick


Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is a novel that I read solely because of how frickin' brilliant its name is. I'm not even kidding when I say that I am absolutely in love with the name of this book.  I spent five minutes raving about its awesomeness to my brother, who was wishing I'd shut up so he could go back to watching his latest anime.

The book is set in the future. In the earlier editions, the future was 1991, but in the newer ones, it's 2021. And it's quite advanced. There's been another World War which has left the planet less habitable. Most people have moved to colonies on three other planets. It is a world of hovercars, and androids so real that you can't separate them from humans. The protagonist, Rick Deckard's job is to eliminate the androids who have killed their owners and escaped to earth. And his latest job includes six androids with the newest technology, who can prove to be deadly.

Despite the fact that the setting is futuristic, it's not something that's emphasised. To the characters, everything is just normal; there's no novelty, especially since earth is not in the best condition.

The main focus is on Rick Deckard, his experiences and how they affect him, and humanity. There's a lot of thought put in to what makes us human and about whether or not androids should be treated like us. It's quite a dilemma, because you find yourself wondering whether it's right to think of androids as objects. They have a personality, will, even emotions to an extent, doesn't that mean they should have the right to live their lives? Even though they're not really alive? What differentiates us and them?

It's very interesting to read. And it is explored along with Deckard trying not to get himself killed and getting the job done. And there's other stuff going on with his life and with other characters so it's not just two hundred pages of futuristic philosophy, which is something that could quite get boring, depending upon who's writing it.

Overall, I completely forgot the point I was trying to make. But I think it's something like 'the novel is hella interesting and you should check it out'. But be warned, the second half feels like it's high, or makes you feel like you're high. I suggest preparing yourself for that. Still worth it, though.